HSC 2025 Annual Planner

The Annual planner is divided into 3 simple steps:

Step 1: REFLECT On Who You Want to Be

Step 2: RESOLVE On Where You’re Going

Step 3: REVERSE Engineer On How to Get There

If you’ve already read the planner, click any of the  buttons or links to begin your Annual Planner.

You can download & print the .PDF of the HSC 2025 Annual Planner by clicking the link or icon below.

Before filling out questions in each of the 3 Steps, it’s best to understand some important and helpful biblical principles outlined below when planning any goal or objective in life.

strength in NUMBERS (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

Join the “Closer than Ever” group for additional tools, ideas, and more, so as to encourage one another in our God honoring pursuits throughout 2025.

How the love OF and the love FOR Jesus brings about genuine, lasting change

Every new year offers a fresh chapter—a chance to reflect, realign, and renew our focus. While cynicism about failed resolutions is common, what if we saw this season as an opportunity to honor God with our goals and aspirations?

Turning the calendar from December to January doesn’t magically transform us. On its own, it’s just another day. Yet, the fresh start of a new year stirs within us a sense of possibility—a chance to envision who we could become in Christ by June, October, or beyond. What could my life look like six months, a year, or even two years from now?

Our drive to improve—whether better health, relationships, or finances—reflects a deep longing for a better life that truly matters. These pursuits aren’t wrong, but lasting change isn’t fueled by willpower alone. True transformation begins with Jesus. His perfect love not only empowers us but becomes the motivation of every good pursuit. And it is our love for Him above all else, which pleases and glorifies God most.

Scripture reminds us to work out what God has already worked in (Philippians 2:12-13). Growth occurs when a seed is planted by God’s Spirit, nurtured by our desire, and cultivated through discipline.

This year may we lean into His Love, set goals that truly matter, and trust in the only One who brings about genuine, lasting change.

3 Helpful Reminders

This planner was created to think through personal goals that honor God, and the steps needed to carry them out. Go through it individually, with your spouse, or alongside your family.

Before diving in, however, it would be wise to anchor any annual ambition in three biblical truths. Let these reminders guide your heart and actions moving forward.

Isaiah proclaims: “All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of God will stand forever.” These words remind us of a profound reality: we are all finite beings fashioned by an infinite Creator. Our lives have limits. We are confined creatures, and this is good to remember.

embrace our FINITUDE (Isaiah 40:6-7)

Isaiah proclaims: “All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of God will stand forever.” These words remind us of a profound reality: we are all finite beings fashioned by an infinite Creator. Our lives have limits. We are confined creatures, and this is good to remember.

do all for the GLORY of GOD (1 Corinthians 10:31)

In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul writes: “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” This verse declares that even the simplest, most ordinary acts—like eating a meal or taking a sip of water—carry the potential to glorify God when done with the right heart and intention.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to view every facet of life as an opportunity to reflect His goodness and love. Every moment is a chance to shine His light in the world. Let us examine every area of our lives—our work, our relationships, our habits—and ask, How can this bring glory to God?

live with INTENTIONALITY (Ephesians 5:15-17)

Paul tells the church at Ephesus, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Knowing life is short and the world’s system is evil, we’re called to live deliberately. We must ask ourselves if we are making the best use of the time God has allotted to us? Do we live with purpose?

drawing near to God through PRAYER

This year’s endeavor, if it is to honor God, must begin with prayer. This annual planner invites you to reflect on the past year, prayerfully consider Christ’s work in your life, and prepare for what God has planned in 2025. Take time with each question, allow prayer to guide the answers, and inspire your hope for the new year.

By praying about everything, you’ll draw closer than ever to God, discovering that nothing in your life is off limits, or beyond His care.

two ways to USE this guide 

The first way to use the HSC 2025 Annual Planner is the physical version available on the hi-top table at the doors outside the worship center. You can fill it out at your pace and be able to refer to it anytime throughout the year.

You can download & print the .PDF by clicking the link above or icon to the left.

You can also complete the HSC 2025 Annual Planner right here, online. (You may also decide to do both.) Doing the online planner allows us to send you reminders and check in with you over the course of the year. In additional, you’ll find other tools and resources available in this digital online version.

Seven Through Twelve

Within any local church, countless elements contribute to the life and work of ministry. At Harbour Shores, we’ve identified seven core values that serve as the foundation of everything we do. These values ensure that everything we do aligns with our mission and purpose. 

Every endeavor, event or action as a local body should reflect aspects of each of our seven guiding principles. Each of these flow directly from and is deeply rooted in the boundless love of Jesus Christ. It is His love that both inspires and sustains all we do, directing our efforts to glorify God as we serve and minister to others.

VALUE of the month(s)

This year’s endeavor, if it is to honor God, must begin with prayer. This annual planner invites you to reflect on the past year, prayerfully consider Christ’s work in your life, and prepare for what God has planned in 2025. Take time with each question, allow prayer to guide the answers, and inspire your hope for the new year.

By praying about everything, you’ll draw closer than ever to God, discovering that nothing in your life is off limits, or beyond His care.

Seven Through Twelve

elements of LIFE

Life presents a range of experiences that touch individuals, couples, and families alike. While each story is unique, there are several universal elements that influence us all on an almost daily basis. Though not an exhaustive list, the following seven areas typically impact and shape our days.

ELEMENT of the day

Targeting each life element will better prepare us as challenges and opportunities arise throughout the year. To ensure any one element isn’t overlooked or neglected, each will be highlighted once a week.















For example, this doesn’t mean exercise is reserved only for Saturdays, but that additional info/tools/encouragement for our physical well-being will be highlighted on that specific week day.

That completes the intro and overview of biblical truths that we needs to understand prior to determining and establishing any personal goal. You can now proceed to to the online Steps and complete the digital questionnaires at your own pace.

You are now ready to begin filling in your answers to the online questionnaire for each of the 3 Steps.

There is a time limit to register your answers. So feel free take as much time as you need to work out your answers to the questions under each step.

Once you’re already, click any button or link to continue.